
“The impact of COP26 announcements on financial institutions”

“At the UN COP26 summit held in Glasgow, Rishi Sunak announced plans for the UK to become a net zero financial centre. In this article, we summarise the key pledges and take-aways from COP26, including the impact on financial institutions. Included in our summary are the main elements of the signed Glasgow Climate Pact.” Read […]

“UK Sustainable Finance Developments”

“Throughout 2021, the FCA has been increasing its capacity to focus on ESG and, in April 2021, established its work on climate change and sustainable finance. The FCA has also appointed a Director of ESG to develop the FCA’s approach to sustainable finance in the UK and globally. As with the EU, key planks of […]

“Why Your Portfolio May Be Hot, Cold or Just Right.”

“Investors may want to understand not only if their portfolios are aligned with global climate goals but why they may (or may not) fall short of the mark. A performance-attribution analysis can help them understand how “hot” or “cold” their portfolios are.” Read more here.

“Paris- Aligned Indexes to Manage the Future”

“As commitments to reach net-zero by 2050 surge, institutional investors are looking for tools to implement net-zero strategies in portfolios. Futures linked to the MSCI Climate Paris Aligned Indexes are one option for asset managers and asset owners.” Read more here.

“Personalizing Climate-Focused Wealth Management Portfolios”

“A climate-fist approach can help wealth managers tailor portfolios to the unique preferences of clients who want their investments to slow climate change or create positive impact while furthering their financial objectives and appetite for risk” Read more here.

“2022 ESG Trends to Watch”

Ten emerging trends for companies and investors “As the world’s biggest companies work toward net-zero, corporate ask: What do we do about our suppliers? Meanwhile, ESG investing truly has gone mainstream (with the regulatory attention to prove it). We review these trends and emerging risks.” Read more here.

“Dude, where’s my sustainability?”

“Why have even sustainability-minded organizations avoided sustainable investment options in their retirement plans? Will regulation move the needle? We look to answer these questions and more. Read more here.